Open Innovation is the use of internal and other companies’ ideas to develop new businesses. Open Innovation 2.0 is an exciting new approach, a mash-up of ideas into action to make things happen.

Illustration by Peti Buchel of Beeldleveranciers, 2012.
Open Innovation
Open Innovation is one of the important components of the foreseen European Innovation System, where all stakeholders need to be involved in a Quadruple helix innovation model. This model outlines user-oriented innovation models. In addition, Open innovation can create the seamless interaction and mash-up for ideas needed in such innovation ecosystems.
See Henry Chesbrough, Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology, 2003 and the Center for Open Innovation from the Berkeley University.
Open Innovation 2.0
Open Innovation 2.0 takes full advantage of cross-fertilisation of ideas and drives for experimentation and prototyping in real world, to speed up and increase the potential for innovation. It is a catalytic, positive approach for innovation which helps solving key European challenges by embracing change, not resisting it!
We drive the Open Innovation 2.0 paradigm towards recognition and adoption in Europe, in all sectors. The Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group (OISPG) works on increasing knowledge and ICT intense sectors to respond to highly open and competitive ecosystems needed to create new markets and ICT and knowledge based products and services.
There are 5 key elements in the new innovation process:
- Networking
- Collaboration involving partners, competitors, universities, and users;
- Corporate Entrepreneurship, enhancing corporate venturing, start-ups and spin-offs;
- Proactive Intellectual Property Management: to create markets for technology;
- Research and Development (R&D): to achieve competitive advantages in the market.
Quadruple Helix Model
We base our thinking on Quadruple Helix innovation models – involving institutional bodies, research sphere, business sector, and citizens in the process. This new generation of open innovation leads to stronger economic impact and better user experience in Europe.
[Text adopted from the European Commission’s Digital Agenda for Europe website:]