Educore helps organizations face future challenges through user-centered innovation.

Opportunity enrichment for sustainable futures is at the core of this work.

Societal Innovation

Innovation Camp Methodology Handbook

The Camp for Societal Innovation is an instrument for addressing societal challenges in a powerful and effective way. Innovation Camps are a condensed process in which economic, social, technological, cultural and environmental challenges can be addressed at policy, strategy and/or operational levels, and how they can be tackled and ‘solved’ innovatively by key Quadruple Helix stakeholders and experts working together. Since 2010, more than 20 innovation camps have been run using this concept, applying it to support innovation and societal renewal in diverse regions across Europe.

The Camp concept was developed by the New Club of Paris (NCP) and Finland’s Aalto University in 2009. Leif Edvinsson, Markku Markkula, Pirjo Ståhle and Hank Kune co-created the concept and were instrumental in its further development. Valuable comments to improve the methodology have come from Camp conveners, facilitators, challenge owners, participants. In particular, important conceptual and methodological insights have been contributed by members of I2SI (International Initiatives for Societal Innovation), the New Club of Paris, and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission.

There is now a Methodology Handbook that describes key success factors for organizing and running Innovation Camps. This Handbook, bringing together the learnings from eight years of work and 22 camps, is conceived to encourage regions and cities from all over Europe to adopt the Innovation Camps methodology as a tool to collectively and effectively address societal and economic challenges concerning local societies in a larger [European] context through an open, collaborative and inclusive Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) involving Quadruple Helix actors (i.e. government, industry, academia, and civil society).

The Innovation Camp Methodology Handbook – written by Gabriel Rissola, Hank Kune and Paolo Martinez – is available for downloading on the JRC/Smart Specialisation Platform website:

It is also available through the EU Science Hub:

A hard-copy version is also available.

Innovation Luminary Awards

An event related to the OI2.0 conference is the second annual Innovation Luminary Awards, which will be presented on June 11 2014 at a special gala dinner at Dublin City Hall.

The recipients of this year’s awards will be enrolled into the Innovation Luminary Academy and will have stewardship for the selection of future Innovation Luminaires. The recipient Luminaries have been designated by the Open Innovation 2.0 Conference Steering committee for their extraordinary achievements and their potential to inspire the next generation of innovators worldwide. A pivotal element of Open Innovation 2.0 is innovation adoption. With the existence of role models or exemplars being of particular importance in encouraging innovators to drive the diffusion of their ideas, innovations and solutions to wide scale adoption.

More information about the Luminary awards is available here:


Open Innovation 2.0 Conference 2014: June 12th in Dublin

This year’s Open Innovation 2.0 Conference will take place on June 12 at the Dublin Convention Centre and is jointly organised by the European Commission / Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group – OISPG, Intel Labs Europe, and Dublin City Council.

Following the success of the inaugural Open Innovation 2.0 Conference (OI2.0), held last year under the Irish Presidency of the EU, this year’s event will bring together high-level decision makers, leading innovation experts and practitioners from across the globe for a whole-day conference devoted to inspiring sessions and interaction on Open Innovation 2.0 business models and ecosystems.

OI2.0 2014 is organised around the concept of short speeches, strong interaction and further development of ideas. Leading innovation thought leaders will present their latest insights; European policy leaders will contribute to the design of the European Innovation ecosystems; and the first feedback from the new European research and innovation framework, Horizon 2020, will be presented.

The inaugural Open Innovation 2.0 Conference held last year under the Irish Presidency of the EU was an outstanding success and resulted in the adoption of The Dublin Innovation Declaration! The conference gathered together high-level decision makers, leading innovation experts and practitioners from across the globe. Together they co-created a document to pave the way for future innovation policies and actions to increase prosperity and wealth, and to create more jobs and growth in Europe. Another milestone during the two-day event was the adoption of the Open Innovation 2.0 paradigm (OI2) formulated in an integrated way and respectively published in a whitepaper. The OI2 paradigm consists of twenty building blocks, which will be thoroughly discussed at this year’s conference.

Confirmed speakers include Henry Chesbrough, Richard Straub, Ronan Stephan, Dan Marom, Jim Jagielski, Stefan Schepers, Martin Curley, and Bror Salmelin.

For more information visit OISPG and follow the event on Twitter: @0I2Dublin2014

The draft conference agenda can be downloaded here: open-innovation-20_programme-20141